Thursday, August 04, 2005

Christmas time again!!!

Well it's that time of year again. Soon to be thrust out upon the gently sloping sea of tarps for a musical bonanza, and I mean like hitting the buffet at Bonanza - you can gorge yourself on more flavors than you've ever even imagined, and more than you can ever take in all at once. And then wash it down with some tasty Big Rock. Mmmmmm. This will be FF number 11 for the Linesman. By the way, I'm going to be like George "T-Bone" Costanza and suggest a new FF nickname for myself, but its in keeping with the original. "The Rat" - as in Kenny "The Rat" Linesman. Better to distinguish myself from the Ref. Anyway we seem to gain momentum each year, bringing in a new raft of virigins who just keep coming back for more. What can you say, cupid did have a harp afterall. So buckle yourself in for some mind blowing times. Speaking of which tonight I'm totally looking forward to Alpha Blondy - Cote d'Ivorian reggae stylings? You can believe that I'll be lovin' Jah!!! RASTAFARI mon!!!


At 4:31 PM, Blogger andy grabia said...

The Core decides your name, not you. You are already in trouble with The Ref. She is so gonna bust you!

At 12:07 AM, Blogger The Ref said...

BACK IN LINE LINESMAN...behind every great woman there is a great man. There are worse women to be tied to. I think you owe me a beer after that little comment about distancing yourself from me. And here I was excited to see you......
contemplating a yellow card ;)

At 12:42 AM, Blogger Fred Dynamite said...

The Linesman is breaking all the rules! I am so out of control. I am ROCKING. So excited to see the Ref. Love being disciplined. Ohh yeah!


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